Thursday, October 23, 2008

Barrel aged bold taste

Yesterday, Justin was asked to set up a table at young men and young women at church showcasing things having to do with his mission in Detroit and things unique to Detroit. With the help of my mom we decided Boston Coolers would be the perfect Detroit treat to serve. For all of you non-Michiganders, Boston Coolers are ice cream floats made with Vernors. Then we got to wondering, why are they called Boston Coolers? After researching on the internet, I found that it is somewhat a mystery and that it has nothing to do with the city of Boston, and Vernors is virtually unknown in Massachusettes. One theory is that it was named after Boston Boulevard in Detroit. One thing is for sure though: The Boston Cooler was born at a soda parlor in Detroit, Michigan by a man named Fred Sanders. The Boston Coolers were a hit and Justin had a few cans left over. I could not resist the urge and let me tell you, after taking that first sip, it took me home. I used to drink a Vernors every morning (surely the reason I am 20 pounds lighter than in high school). A lot of first-time Vernors drinkers cough and snort and can't handle the strong ginger ale, but the barrel aged bold taste was yummy and comforting to me.


Kirstynn Evans said...

SUCH A GREAT POST!!! Michigan is known for something that is actually worth learning about! Thank you. I also, never knew about Boston Coolers, and am glad to have had the history lesson! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Michigan!!!

NatalieHemingway said...

You got a hold of Vernors in Idaho? or did Mom ship it? I love me some Verners. It's actually not as strong as it used to be. We used to snort and cough a LOT more!!

Kenn N said...

Vernors... that's the stuff that when Justin and I were in a home on our mission he would ALWAYS say "Elder North just loves Vernors if you have any."

I'll never forgive him, because in Michigan, EVERYONE had some and I hate the stuff and he knew it.

Good times :), sounds like a cool activity

That Girl said...

AUGH!!!! ENVY!!!! Shoulda included cream puffs with Sanders hot fudge too ... mmmm ....

Julia said...


Anonymous said...

That is a great post Rachel. It took me back home also....well, ok, I am home, but Boston coolers were my mom's favorite drink. And any talk about Boston Coolers always remind me of her.

Lynita said...

Sounds so yummy! I love ginger ale, so I will have to try that sometime. My dad used to make floats using chocolate ice cream and 7up. I love drinking it, cuz it reminds me of home.