Grandma Staub was an exceptional woman. I have nothing but warm, happy memories associated with her, like the time I spent a bit of the summer with them and I felt very homesick, she took me to the store and bought me a new, bright green and pink dress. It felt strange to travel to her home in Roscommon, Michigan knowing that I wouldn't be greeted with a cozy grandma hug. While the rest of my family mourned for their loss, I mourned for what I've missed. I felt very sad that my children didn't get to know her like the other great grandkids did. They knew her and loved her, but I just felt it wasn't the same. It made me miss my family. But thank goodness I have the knowledge of eternal families and really it's all thanks to her and my grandpa who joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints many years ago. I'm grateful for the peace I feel knowing she's serving the Lord right now alongside her husband.
I miss her.
i am so sorry for your loss. i remember you would talk of your grandma during college :) it is wonderful, the knowledge we have of eternity! what a peace that is.
What a wonderful legacy she left for your family. Treasuring the memories of the past and looking forward to a future of eternity is truly a blessing. Our thoughts are with you.
I love reading what everyone is writing about her. I haven't been able to blog about her yet, but love reading the other comments from people I love who love her too. One more thing... because her dad died when she was so very young, that reunion must have been a joyous one too. I miss you too, Rachel, but don't think for a moment that miles made a difference in the way G'ma loves all of her family. We will all teach the following generations about G'ma and G'pa Staub.
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